One aspect played a particularly important role in the development of Visiometa right from the start, namely the commitment to an open software architecture. In practice, this means that users can extend the application with their own functionality through a freely accessible programming interface. This way, Visiometa can be adapted to the specific needs of each client.
For minor customizations or automating repetitive tasks, our integrated Python backend is the ideal tool. It can be accessed in a variety of ways, one of which is the interactive command line interpreter. It allows users to execute single commands or even full scripts directly in the running program, without any preparations or third-party software.
For large research projects or extensions with high performance demands, Visiometa supports linking custom CLI assemblies or native C/C++ libraries without any restrictions. Even the most complex plugins, such as custom numerical simulations or iterative optimization algorithms, can be developed based on our flexible framework.

Our APIs are open to all licensed users at no additional cost, and our experienced engineers are available for further assistance. If the customer or research partner does not have their own development capabilities, we are also happy to provide additional support with our specialized technical staff.